Friday, January 28, 2011

Benefits of BOTOX Cosmetic Injections

BOTOX cosmetic injections are an FDA approved treatment for the removal or reduction of wrinkles and frown lines. These injections contain a purified version of the muscle toxin obtained from the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. This purified form, when injected in little amounts straight into the line or wrinkle-causing muscle, causes the skin creases to smooth out. BOTOX may be a short term treatment (results last for just a few months) but it’s safer and more affordable than surgery.

Treats Not Just Wrinkles

As mentioned earlier, the FDA has approved the use of BOTOX treatment only for correcting lines. However, BOTOX injections can also be used to decrease excessive hand, forehead or armpit sweating; for respite from muscle twitches; to treat frequent urination and infections of the urinary tract in men; for alleviation of chronic jaw and back pain; and for relieving migraine headaches. Studies suggest that BOTOX cosmetic injections may also help patients with arthritis.

So Many Benefits

Here’s an overview of the other benefits of BOTOX cosmetic injections:

• Great for reducing laugh lines and crow’s feet.
• Causes very little discomfort as the needle used is tiny.
• Takes very little time to perform (usually 10 minutes).
• Causes no loss of sensation in the treated region.
• Improves the advantages of collagen, Perlane, and Restylane.
• Nil recovery time.
• Lends a more youthful look.

A Worthwhile Option

BOTOX cosmetic injections have their own share of side effects such as headache, nausea, swelling, symptoms similar to those of a flu; redness on the treated region; and rarely breathing or swallowing problems or serious allergic reactions. However, this treatment doesn’t pose the risks of plastic surgery, making it a good option for improving wrinkles

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